Original creations in Second Life by Oggy Fink.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Plugin updates

The Vendor, Statistics and Emailer plugins for Oggy's Rezzer all received an update. Here is a summary of changes. Vendor and Statistics are separately available at Oggy's scripted items (Emailer is included in all packages), as well as in the Vendor bundle for Oggy's Rezzer.

Emailer version 1.1 (updates from version 1.0) :
  • New option EML_incomingcopy that forwards all incoming emails to another email address (useful for debugging purposes).
  • All email addresses now get their spurious spaces removed.

Statistics version 2.1 (updates from version 2.0) :
  • Spurious spaces removed from email addresses from the configuration notecard. This will solve problems related to email commands not working because of an extra invisible space at the end of the line.
  • Avatar legacy names now allowed in option STA_allowedtalkers, in addition to user names. This means you can use
    !!STA_allowedtalkers=Oggy Fink
    instead of the still valid

Vendor version 2.1 (updates from version 1.1) :
  • Complete rewrite of the code handling the VD_sale option, causing a dramatic reduction of memory consumption.
  • email addresses now get trimmed off spurious spaces.
  • Default announces supported through a new VD_defaultannounce option.
  • VD_salemsg now supports %n as a placeholder for object name.
I wish a happy new year 2012 to all avatars around the grid !

Thursday, December 22, 2011

TSO Concert @ Fab Chopper's Top Gear

What a great concert tonight by Draco Production impersonating the wonderful Trans Siberian Orchestra... Check out those pictures !

Great concert guys

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Oggy's Rezzer 4.0 - vendor bundle !

Now available at Oggy's scripted items, a vendor bundle for Oggy's Rezzer version 4.0, including :
Regular price : L$720. This bundle for L$650 !

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Statistics Plugin 2.0

Update !
The Statistics plugin for Oggy's Rezzer 4.0 now comes as version 2.0.

As the previous version, this plugins records some statistics about how the rezzer is used by your visitors and provides commands you can use either by email or by private chat.

However, this version also has some important improvements :
  • Now all email operations (receiving, sending) are done through a separate Emailer plugin (included). Just include it and email functions are active.
  • Now compatible with the Vendor 1.1 plugin or higher. This means that if the Vendor plugin is installed, sales are recorded and reported along with the Rezzer's statistics.
  • Email subject filtering for email commands is now case insensitive, and supports a "Re:" prefix.
  • More than one STA_email option is allowed in the configuration notecard.
  • Some minor bugs were squished.
The reason why email functions were deported to the Emailer  plugin is to prevent the statistics plugin from  suffering from the llEmail() 20 seconds penalty : now only the Emailer plugin is put to sleep during 20 seconds after sending an email, and not the whole statistics plugin. Plus all the email sending and receiving is now centralized and done asynchronously with respect to other plugins, which is A Good Thing®.

Now available at Oggy's scripted items market place store for as cheap as L$20.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Vendor 1.1 for Oggy's Rezzer

Here is another plugin for Oggy's Rezzer version 4.0, one that I wrote on popular demand : Vendor 1.1, now available at Oggy's Scripted Items.

Install this plugin into your rezzer and turn your rezzer into a vending machine. Your customers will be able to get a copy of your objects by paying the rezzer.

To use this plugin, you just have to decide which object is for sale, its price, the delivery method and an optional announce.

Adding one line per sale in the configuration is enough to achieve this, thanks to the new !!VD_sale option, as in the following example :

!!VD_sale=Great Yachts|1000|Great Yacht (boxed)|This great yacht costs L$ %p.
(%p is automatically replaced by the price - more such features exist).

More options allow this plugin to be as secure as possible, like the default «proof» mode. In this mode, the plugin will check if everything is ok in the configuration but will disable effective sales. Instead it will output a list of prices so that you can see if everything is OK. If it is, add the option
to activate the plugin. Sales can then occur.

Other options include the way announces are emitted (whisper/say/shout/none) or the facility to send emails when a sale is made. To use this feature, you will just need the (included) Emailer plugin, coming with detailed instructions too to use the advanced features - but the defaults will do very well.

Moreover, the Vendor 1.1 plugin is cooperates with the Statistics 2.0 plugin to allow the recording and reporting of sales statistics.

As always, feel free to email or IM me if you have any question or feature request, or encounter any problem !

Monday, December 5, 2011

Statistics 1.0 for Oggy's Rezzer

Here is a new plugin for Oggy's Rezzer (version 4.0 or higher) named Statistics 1.0. Now available at Oggy's Scripted Items.

As the name suggests, the job of this plugin is to record statistics about the rezzer : how many times it was touched, how many times each object was rezzed and when.

Collected statistics are gathered into a statistics report that can be scheduled (every xx minutes/hours/days, see options) or on demand (see commands). The plugin communicates either by e-mail (several addresses can be used) and/or by IM/private chat.

Commands you can send to the plugin (email or chat over a private channel) can be used among other things to make an "instant" report, to pause or resume the scheduled reports, to change the time interval between two scheduled reports...

Installation is easy (put the script into the rezzer, reset the rezzer and you're done with reasonable default settings!) and configuration can adjusted by adding a few options to your configuration notecard. Detailed instructions are in the included notecard.

This is but version 1.0 of this plugin, please let me know if you need more features or encounter problems !

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Oggy's rezzer version 4.0

Newly released at Oggy's scripted items, the long awaited version 4.0 of Oggy's Rezzer. Hopefully the waiting was worth it.

For those who didn't know this product in earlier versions (the others please read on to have a summary of what's new), it is a rezzer. Therefore its job is to rez things on demand, namely when someone selects the menu. But there is of course a lot more to it.

First and unlike many competitors, the rezzer's configuration is driven by a configuration notecard. This means that you have no risk of losing your configuration if the scripts get accidentally or voluntarily reset. You have precise control over what (possibly multiple objects) should be rezzed, where and how. You can also display a picture of your object on the rezzer : photo, price, information...

In the configuration you can also organize your objects into categories, and set numerous options. Currently 41 "global" (ie excluding plugins) options exist. Some of them relate to the messages issued by the rezzer, so you can translate it in your language if you like1.

NEW FOR VERSION 4.0 : In addition to these options, you can also use plugins. Plugins are extra scripts designed to extend the functionnality of the rezzer without modifying (i.e. overloading) the main scripts. Plugin scripts have access to the configuration as it is read by the rezzer, and can either react to regular configuration clauses, or implement their own plugin options.

Two plugins are shipped with the rezzer :
  • Timed Unrez 1.0 : automatically unrez your objects after some period of time. This is useful if your visitors tend to leave your store without unrezzing the objects. The time and messages can be adjusted by configuration options.
  • Sound Player 1.0 : as the name suggests, this plugin will play a sound when rezzing an object (the sound can be a "default" sound or a specific one) or unrezzing an object. Volumes can be set independently too.
  • Expect more soon ! A vendor plugin is already on the way...
The rezzer can be seen in live action at Katerina's Attic and Homes. Check out her nice houses !

If you ever need more features do not hesitate to contact me or to comment this post. I consider every request and will gladly implement any reasonable request in future versions !

Below is the full changelog of the scripts. Users of older versions, please contact me for upgrade policy.
  • Version 4.0  (2011/11/25) : final 4.0 relase, finally !
    Updated the documentation, made a box for the plugins, lifted up the textures.
  • Version 4.0 beta 2 (2011/11/18) : Implemented plugins and their options.
    Replaced the timed unrez script by a plugin version of the same script, taking a few options from the configuration.
    Added safety measures so that a script never interprets one of its link_messages, thus effectively avoiding infinite loops. Some code optimizations.
    Putting the rezzer to sleep or resetting it would not unrez previous objects. Fixed.
    Added the Sound Player 1.0 plugin.
    Updated and reorganized this documentation a bit. If no bug shows up, this will become the final 4.0 version.
  • Version 4.0 beta 1 (2011/11/11) : Major rewrite and reorganization in an attempt to dramatically reduce the memory consumption and thus the risk of running into stack/heap collision errors. The old script was replaced by three cooperating and specialized scripts, allowing heavier configurations and some modularity to support future enhancements as partial replacement scripts.
    Other changes include the fact that the localization and configuration are now read simultaneously, while still taking precedence into account, so that options in the configuration always override those in the localization, who themselves override the default values.
    Some bugs were squished too.
  • Version 3.2  (2011/5/14) : implemented timed unrez thanks to a new script. Documented the minimalistic link_message API.
    Option rez_linkedrezzers now defaults to TRUE.
  • Version 3.1 (2011/4/21) : implemented synchronization of multiple (linked) rezzers through option rez_linkedrezzers.
    If the "Oggy's listener" script is found in the rezzers inventory, it is deactivated at initialization time. This prevents the rezzer from deleting itself when the sim restarts. New version of the listener script with one more check in this regard (no update required for old objects).
  • Version 3.0 (2011/2/27) : removed the 10 meter limitation and 3-second penalty when unrezzing objects. Both these changes required the replacement of the old "Oggy's pin setter" by a new "Oggy's listener". Please update your objects ! (Sorry for inconvenience).
  • Version 2.0 (2011/2/14) : Implemented compound objects.
  • Version 1.4 (2011/2/2) : Implemented option menu_default. Replaced "rotation" by "orientation" in the documentation.
  • Version 1.3 (2011/1/30) : Implemented relative positions. Should help if someday you move your whole store to a new location.
  • Version 1.2 (2011/1/29) : Corrected a rather serious bug that caused the wrong avatar being listened to when selecting the menu, on some (rare) occasions.
  • Version 1.1 (2010/12/21) : now the "instructions" admin button gives this instructions notecard and the Oggy's pin setter script, if it can be found in the inventory.
  • Version 1.0 (2010/12/05) : initial version.

1If you do translate the rezzer, please do so in the localization notecard (see detailed instructions) and send it to me so i can make it available to everyone if you agree.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Touch and Glow

Halloween is coming people ! Why not make some creeeeepy objects glow and play scary sounds ?

The following script is able to do just that. Adjust the parameters (written in bold in the script) to match your taste, put it into your prim and you're going !

Some explanations about settings are given as comments in the script, they should be quite easy to follow. If not, feel free to ask for more, either by commenting this post or by sending me an email : oggy.fink(at)gmail.com...

// Touch & Glow by Oggy Fink
// Use this script to make your prim glow when it's touched and play a
// (probably creepy) sound.
// See the parameters below.
// This script is free and full perm, but don't sell it as is. Using it
// into your creations (and selling them) is fine.

string sound="ee186da7-36c5-082a-f6ab-613cc33d3444";    // set this to the
    // name or UUID of the sound to play, or "" to disable sound
float volume=1.0;   // volume for the sound, between 0 (silent) and 1 (full
    // volume)
float maxglow=1.0;  // maximum amount of glow when active (between 0 and 1)

integer steps=25;   // number of steps for the glow. More means smoother and
    // longer transition
float stepdelay=0.1;    // time (in seconds) between each step. More means
    // longer.
float sustainglow=0.0;  // time to remain at full glow

// here are the face numbers that will receive the glow. You can add more but
// you will have to modify the rules (see below)
// you can also set one face to ALL_SIDES
integer facea=1;    // number of first face
integer faceb=3;    // number of second face
// could have used a list and a loop, but efficiency was the priority...

default {
    touch_start(integer total_number) {
        integer i;
        for (i=1;i<=steps;i++) {
// modify the following line if you want to add or remove one face. Just copy
// the PRIM_GLOW,facenumber,i*maxglow/steps for each face
        if (sustainglow>0.0) llSleep(sustainglow);
        for (i=steps-1;i>=0;i--) {
// same modifications expected here

The following simple script will help you determine a face number. Just put it into your prim and it will tell you which face is touched. Use the number in the Touch&Glow script to achieve exactly the desired effect. This script is called - trumpets, play ! - "Detectface" :)
// This script will tell which face was touched.

default {
    touch_start(integer total_number) {
        llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL,"Touched face #"+((string)llDetectedTouchFace(0)));
All this is downloadable for free at my marketplace store. Comments, constructive criticism, (good) ratings and donations are welcome :)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Photo projector 1.0

A new creation is available at Oggy's scripted items : a (nice) photo projector. You can use it whenever you want to display your photographic memories, or to decorate a nice club, or to show off some of your items in your shop...

The displaying of photos is done randomly with an adjustable delay, and switching between two photos is done with a nice crossfade effect. The number of photos you can put into it is virtually unlimited.

This projector has a number of features, among which :
  • A control menu that allows a user (if allowed) to switch the projector on or off, and access to the administrator menu
  • An administrator menu which allows you to adjust the screen size (up to 64 x 64m) and ratio (eg 4/3, 16/9...), the lightbeam length (up to 50m), the beam colors (9 customizable colors and one color-cycling mode)
  • A configuration notecard to set numerous options, like :
    • user policy (open, allow, ban), allowed or banned users,
    • allowed administrators,
    • time each photo lasts on screen,
    • how fast and smooth the crossfade effect is when switching photos,
    • the custom colors for the light beam,
    • how often the lightbeam changes color when in color cycle mode,
    • how fast and smooth the color transition is,
    • default sizes for the screen and the beam.
The projector is copiable and modifiable, the scripts are only copiable. Feel free to ask for enhancements and new features, i'm open to all suggestions and constructive criticism : oggy.fink@gmail.com or send a notecard in world.

Monday, September 19, 2011

ShowHide-Multi script

Since the recent release of the ShowHide script, some people have asked me for a way to make some prims of an object vanish, but not others.

Guess what ? Here it comes !

It's called ShowHide-Multi. The "Multi" part means that you can use several copies of the script in several prims of your object to make them disappear at the same time. The script is either controlled by chat over a private channel, or by link messages.

Private chat will work from a distance and may be issued directly by the viewer but can cause some server lag if many scripts are listening. Link messages, on the other hand, will cause less lag but will work only among the prims of a same object. Moreover, link messages require a helper script.

All is customizable, and a control script is available to emit either private chat or link messages. Please be sure to read the options available at the beginning of both scripts.

Again, i warn you against using this script on partially transparent prims, because the alpha setting of all faces of the prim will be overwritten by the vanishing manoeuvers :) (usual disclaimers apply).

Here is the ShowHide-Multi script to be placed in every prim that is to disappear.
// ShowHide-Multi script by Oggy Fink

// text to set above the root prim
string text="here";    // modify me, use "" for no text
vector color=<1.0,1.0,1.0>;    // color of the text

// modifiable parameters

integer channel = 8;    // channel number
string showcmd="SHOW";    // show command - use uppercase only
string hidecmd="HIDE";    // hide command - use uppercase only

integer listen_active=TRUE;	// should I listen to chat commands in addition to link messages?

// do not touch below

show() {

hide() {

interpret(string message) {	// detects if it is a show or hide command and reacts
	string m=llToUpper(llStringTrim(message,STRING_TRIM));
	if (m==showcmd) {
	} else if (m==hidecmd) {

default {
	state_entry() {
		if (listen_active) llListen(channel,"",NULL_KEY,"");

	link_message(integer sender_number, integer number, string message, key id) {
		if (number!=channel) { // the channel number acts as a key here
	listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) {
Then the ShowHide-Multi control script :
// www.lsleditor.org  by Alphons van der Heijden (SL: Alphons Jano)
integer channel=8;    // channel number / link key

string showtext="Show !";
string hidetext="Hide !";
vector color=<1.0,0.5,0.0>;    // color for the floating text : . Use <1.0,1.0,1.0> for white

string showcmd="SHOW";
string hidecmd="HIDE";

// the following parameter sets if the command should be "said" (0), "whispered" (1), "shouted" (2), "regionsaid" (3) or sent as a link message (4)
integer emittype=0;	// edit accordingly

// do not modify below
integer visible=TRUE;

emit(string m) { // send a command
	if (emittype==0) {
	} else if (emittype==1) {
	} else if (emittype==2) {
	} else if (emittype==3) {
	} else if (emittype==4) {

default {
	state_entry() {

	touch_start(integer total_number) {
		if (visible) {
		} else {
All this is downloadable for free at my marketplace store.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Unicode Box 3.2

This new item is dedicated to be a chat-helping gadget and, more generally, a tool to convert text from one form to another, with the idea of special unicode characters in mind. Now at Oggy's Scripted Items !

Specifically, using the unicode box or HUD, you can type ordinary text and get cool looking unicode characters as a result. Use it for a variety of purposes :
  • Type "everyone gets to party at <insert club name here>" and get "€♥ℯґ¥øηℯ ℊℯ☂ṧ ☂ø ℘@ґ☂¥ @☂ <insert club name here> !"
  • Ⓤⓢⓔ ⓒⓘⓡⓒⓛⓔⓓ ⓛⓔⓣⓣⓔⓡⓢ (and digits too)
  • ¡ uʍop ǝpısdn ʇuɐʍ noʎ ʇxǝʇ ʎuɐ ǝʇıɹM
  • Maкє уоцґ cнaт lоок cґazу aйd/оґ cооl
  • Usᴇ ɢʀᴇᴀᴛ-ʟᴏᴏᴋɪɴɢ Sᴍᴀʟʟ Cᴀᴘɪᴛᴀʟs ɪɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘʀᴏғɪʟᴇ
  • Wide letters to make your words clearer :)
  • Ḙṃḅḙḷḷḭṣḥ ẏṍṷṛ ṭḙẋṭ ẉḭṭḥ ḁ ṿḁṛḭḙṭẏ ṍḟ ḙḟḟḙḉṭṣ
You are not limited in the available effects : write and use your own translation tables !

This item comes bundled with 3 objects :
  • An easy-to-use standalone HUD. Wear it and go !
  • A rezzable unicode box, so that several people can use it, either through chat over a private channel or using the remote HUD,
  • A remote HUD, to easily control the unicode box from a distance.
 At any time you can select to whisper or shout instead of just talking, and issue control words like list, status, reset, etc.

All these actions are available as buttons in the HUD and the HUD itself may be iconified to take as little space as possible on your screen. The translation tables used by the HUD are defined in a solid configuration notecard, feel free to design your own ...

Numerous options are available, among which the channel number to use, the command mode (chat, link or both), user policy (who can use the box and who cannot), automatically use the name of the controlling avatar to emit chat...

The HUDs and the box are modifiable and copiable, but the scripts are only copiable. For the techies, full documentation is given on the format of the chat and link messages used to control the box, so that you can either design your own HUD or interface the box with your own objects.

I'll be happy to hear any remark or feature request : please drop me a notecard or send me an email at oggy.fink@gmail.com.

Special thanks to Carisma Alex for helping me testing the whole thing and for the general ideas... ♥♥

The original unicode box artwork uses graphic works from liftarn and Patrick Hoesly released under a creative commons license.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

ShowHide script

Here is a little script I quickly put together. Its job is to make an entire object (a whole link-set) disappear or appear upon "hearing" a command on a private channel. It also takes "care" of hiding and showing the text above the object (but see details below).

This script is very simple but proves useful for hiding simple things like pose balls. Do not use it however for things more complicated, like a house or a tent, because the mechanism the script uses to make the object disappear will alter the alpha (transparency) setting of all faces of all prims in the object, and will make them fully opaque again when reappearing.

If you plan to have this functionnality on objects with partial transparency on some faces, a way more subtle means to do this is required.

The channel number, as well as the SHOW and HIDE commands are customizable via easy parameters at the start of the script. Due to some limitation, the floating text, if any, to be set above the root prim has to be entered in the script too [Technical note : no apparent way of getting the text in a prim]. Currently the script is limitted to setting only the root prim's text (could be done in a different way but, well...). You can also set the color of said text in the parameters.

A second script (ShowHide control) is designed to be placed in an object (like a cube or a poster) to "toggle" the show and hide commands for objects in range that have the first script. That way, you can make all your poseballs appear or disappear at the same time by touching the control. Its parameters (channel and commands) should be the same as those of the ShowHide script.

One last useful tip : by setting the channel parameter to a negative number, you prevent avatars from issuing a direct command over the chat, and only the control script will be useable.

First, the ShowHide script :

// ShowHide script by Oggy Fink

// text to set above the root prim
string text="here";    // modify me, use "" for no text
vector color=<1.0,1.0,1.0>;    // color of the text

// modifiable parameters

integer channel = 8;    // channel number
string showcmd="SHOW";    // show command - use uppercase only
string hidecmd="HIDE";    // hide command - use uppercase only

// do not touch below

show() {

hide() {

default {
	state_entry() {

	listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) {
		string m=llToUpper(llStringTrim(message,STRING_TRIM));
		if (m==showcmd) {
		} else if (m==hidecmd) {

Then the ShowHide control script :

// www.lsleditor.org  by Alphons van der Heijden (SL: Alphons Jano)
integer channel=8;    // channel number

string showtext="Show !";
string hidetext="Hide !";
vector color=<1.0,0.5,0.0>;    // color for the floating text : . Use <1.0,1.0,1.0> for white

string showcmd="SHOW";
string hidecmd="HIDE";

// do not modify below
integer visible=TRUE;

default {
	state_entry() {

	touch_start(integer total_number) {
		if (visible) {
		} else {

All this is downloadable for free at my marketplace store.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Oggy's gate 2

Here is another gate I designed recently. As the previous one, it's black forged iron gate with curvy patterns (see photo). It's available right now at Oggy's scripted items marketplace store.

However, it has one more feature that makes it quite unique : the fact that each of the panes sports one initial you can customize to match your own (or whoever's, for that matter).

To do this you have two options :

  1. use the enclosed HUD, that will just ask you to type the two initials you want in a text box. This is the easiest method but requires that you use a recent viewer that supports text box. The current official viewer does.
  2. In the chat, type :
    /79 INITIAL=A
    /80 INITIAL=B
    This will then set up the gate so that the left pane has an A and the right one has a B. Of course, replace A and B with what you want...

All uppercase letters from A to Z are available, plus 4 symbols : !?&$, all in a beautiful gothic font. Of course, once set you can safely detach your HUD...

WARNING : for technical reasons*, this gate does NOT support linking to another constructions. Do not use this if you can't afford to manually place the two parts (and optional pillar).

*Technical reason : both initials are textured on a prim that is linked to the opening pane. If you link it to a wall or house, what SL does is break the link between the initial and the opening pane, and link them individually to your wall. The gate will continue to open, but the initials will not move.

If you know an easy way around this SL limitation in handling prim trees please let me know.

Update ! Oggy's Iron Gate 1.2

I made an update for my iron gate, which is now released as version 1.2 on my marketplace store.

The main new feature is that it now supports linking, whereas the previous 1.1 version didn't.

All residents who bought the older version that i could make contact with have received the new 1.2 version. Others just need to contact me.

Still cheap : L$10. Mod|Copy|No Trans.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

PDF doc for Oggy's Rezzer 3.0

A full PDF version of the documentation file for Oggy's Rezzer version 3.0 is now available ! You can view or download it either from my Marketplace store or from this link on Google Documents. Many thanks to Katerina Brezoianu for proofreading !

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Just for the fun, here is a cool video i found on Youtube. Congratulations SL dancers !

Monday, March 7, 2011

Oggy's rezzer version 3.0

New release of Oggy's Rezzer at Oggy's Scripted Items !

Since the last release 1.4 some things have changed, mainly i added the ability to rez multiple objects at once and removed the 10 meters limit for the root prim. You can now rez multiple objects all over the sim at the same time if you really want to. Plus the overall reactivity was greatly enhanced. Neat eh? See below for the full changelog.

As always, since all the configuration is done through a notecard, you can rest assured that your creations will be rezzed exactly where and how you want them.

To see the rezzer in live action, you can visit Katerina's Attic: Homes display platform (where the rezzer is used) and don't forget her mainstore packed with many wonderful creations.

Here is a quick list of highlights :

  • Highly customizable and reliable through a solid configuration notecard. No more config data loss because of sim restart or script reset. The rezzer itself (not the script) is modifiable, so feel free to alter it to match your taste.
  • Rez single objects or compound scenes with no distance limitation within the sim.
  • Organize your creations in categories. Virtually unlimited number of categories or items supported. One object can even belong to several categories. Only minimal preparation needed.
  • Precisely specify the coordinates where you want your objects to appear, and their exact orientation. No more creations disappearing underground or upside down for obscure reasons.
  • Both relative and absolute coordinates systems. If you move your rezzer, the coordinates of rezzed objects will automatically adapt.
  • Display a picture (or something else !) of your object on the rezzer.
  • Fine tune all aspects (including messages and menues) through numerous options.
  • Translate the messages into your language through a special localization notecard.
  • Complete instructions in a (hopefully) clear documentation notecard.
  • Cheap : L$500.

If you ever need more features don't hesitate to contact me or to comment this post. I consider every request and will gladly implement any reasonable request in future versions !

Below is the full changelog of the script. Users of older versions, please contact me for upgrade policy.

  • Version 3.0 (2011/2/27) : removed the 10 meter limitation and 3-second penalty when unrezzing objects. Both these changes required the replacement of the old "Oggy's pin setter" by a new "Oggy's listener". Please update your objects ! (Sorry for inconvenience).
  • Version 2.0 (2011/2/14) : Implemented compound objects.
  • Version 1.4 (2011/2/2) : Implemented option menu_default. Replaced "rotation" by "orientation" in the documentation.
  • Version 1.3 (2011/1/30) : Implemented relative positions. Should help if someday you move your whole store to a new location.
  • Version 1.2 (2011/1/29) : Corrected a rather serious bug that caused the wrong avatar being listened to when selecting the menu, on some (rare) occasions.
  • Version 1.1 (2010/12/21) : now the "instructions" admin button gives this instructions notecard and the Oggy's pin setter script, if it can be found in the inventory.
  • Version 1.0 (2010/12/05) : initial version.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Iron Gate

Here is a plain black iron gate I made a while ago. The texture is completely original, not copied. The two parts open independently when clicked.
Simple, but cheap : L$10. Mod|Copy|No trans.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Oggy's Rezzer version 1.4

Oggy's rezzer version 1.4 is on sale at Oggy's scripted items !

This is a tool for vendors that want to display their items without using up all their prims and occupy all the room on their land. If you want to reliably rez or unrez a house exactly where you want, this rezzer is for you.

Highlights include:
  • Highly customizable and reliable through a solid configuration notecard. No more config data loss because of sim restart or script reset.
  • Organize your creations in categories. Unlimited number of categories or items supported. One object can even belong to several categories. Only minimal preparation needed.
  • Precisely specify the coordinates where you want your objects to appear, and their exact orientation. No more creations disappearing underground or upside down for obscure reasons.
  • Both relative and absolute coordinates systems. If you move your rezzer, the coordinates of rezzed objects will automatically adapt.
  • Display a picture (or something else !) of your object on the rezzer.
  • Fine tune all aspects (including messages and menues) through numerous options.
  • Translate the messages into your language through a special localization notecard.
  • Complete instructions in a (hopefully) clear documentation notecard.
  • Cheap : L$200.
If you ever need more features don't hesitate to contact me, i'll gladly implement any reasonable request in future versions !

Welcome !

Welcome to Oggy's scripted items blog !

I put up this blog to advertise items i created in Second Life and that are for sale at SL's Market Place.

I tried to make original scripted creations and to keep the prices reasonable. Feel free to visit my SL Marketplace store and give my your (constructive) feedback !

You can also ask me if you have a specific request for a script or item.

Many thanks to Katerina Brezoianu for her help with testing, inspiration and general support. Visit her Market place store for nice antique furniture and wonderful houses !

Enjoy !