Original creations in Second Life by Oggy Fink.

Monday, December 9, 2013

New Christmas Dancefloor

Are you looking for a cool christmas-themed dancefloor for your club or your home ? Then check this new item at Oggy's Scripted Items !
This dancefloor, when rezzed, will :
  • rez a Christmas tree !
  • summon Santa !
  • rez gifts !
  • regularly "flash" and switch textures !
The Christmas tree (6 prims) can be placed anywhere on the dancefloor (and will maintain its position on the floor if the floor is moved or resized). It can also spin at a configurable speed.
Santa (only 1 prim, but a very nice mesh build) and presents (between 1 and 4 prims each) will randomly appear and disappear (in a smooth way) over the dancefloor. The number of gifts is configurable, and the time between each movement of an object is configurable too.
Flashes too are completely configurable. They consist in a smooth change of the glow and color of the dancefloor itself, at a predefined rate. There can be virtually any number of flash definitions (5 are included but it's easy to add or remove one) and the floor will pick randomly among them.
3 original textures are included and will be applied in turn, all great quality creations by my dear friend Carisma Alex !
Configuration happens in a very simple notecard (yet fully documented) included inside the floor. Since the floor is modifiable (and copiable too), you can add your own scripts and animations inside it for a dance system. Note however that the objects (Santa, gifts, christmas tree) and scripts are only copiable, not modifiable.
Also be sure to check our two other dancefloors : The Dragon Dancefloor and The Halloween Dancefloor. More to come !

Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Lemurian Riad

Below is the video presentation of The Lemurian Riad, a building made in Second Life by Carisma Alex and scripted by myself.

It's a nice 2-floor + terrace square house. The roof is a dome that opens when you touch it, and when you do a ladder rezzes to allow access to the terrace.

This item is available at Oggy's scrited items marketplace store for L$80.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Simple Crossfade

Hi people...

I received a request for a script that would be able to crossfade two pictures. This means that when one is gradually fading in (appearing), the other gradually fades out (vanishes).

In SL it requires the use of two linked prims. This script is now available at Oggy's scripted items and, best of all, it's free and full perms. Feel free to use it and modify it for commercial or non commercial products, but do not resell it as is. Of course, due credit, good publicity and donations are appreciated :)

Available parameters concern every aspect of the process : from the identification of the two involved prims and their faces to the "sustain time" (the time during which each prim can be fully visible before fading out again) and the duration and smoothness of the crossfading process.

A demo object is also included.

If you like this script, please spread the word and rate it on the marketplace. Feel free to contact me by IM or email if you have any question or special request.

Friday, July 12, 2013

The Divine Comedy

Here is a video presentation for a temple created by my dear friend Carisma Alex and scripted by myself.

It was freely inspired by Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy and contains original textures and elements also inspired by some sculptures made by the famous french sculptor Auguste Rodin [the huge door "The Gates Of Hell" and "The Cry"].

Two of the four 11-meter high pilars will burst into flames as you approach the entrance and get ready to enter the real of darkness... Inside the main feature is a large bassin with a picture of the cry as mentioned above. When summoned, a rotating vortex will open among hellish screams and let out a big meshed statue.

This item is now for sale at Oggy's scripted items. Check it out !

Monday, April 1, 2013

ShowHide-Multi update : groups!

Due to a customer request, I have made a minor update to the ShowHide-Multi script available (for free) at Oggy's Scripted Items.

The modification is just a check to allow the script to only react to hide or show commands when the person who sent it (either by touching the control message or by using private chat) has the same group tag active as the object.
