Original creations in Second Life by Oggy Fink.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Update! Oggy's Iron Gate 1.4

Again a new update of my first item in Second Life® is out today!

While the previous update focused on a major rewrite of the script, this one's main feature is a new version of the portal's textures which are now 4K as recently permitted by LL. This results in a much finer rendition of the forged iron details.

The script also had 2 enhancements:

  • the configuration reading is now synchronous, if possible, which results in a dramatic speed increase ;
  • a new value is allowed for the ACCESS_TYPE configuration keyword : friends. Using this value means that only the owner and their friends are allowed to open or close the gate.
Buyers of previous version will receive a free update from the marketplace, as usual. If you didn't get yours feel free to contact me with proof of purchase!

Saturday, June 15, 2024

AutoAttach version 2.0

A new version of the AutoAttach system is out today !

This version mainly focuses on adding new possibilities for plugin scripts to trigger the AutoAttach, so that more possibilities can be added by including additional scripts in your master object. This was done on demand by a customer who wanted to trigger the AutoAttach system when customers pay the master object.

Here is a summary of the changes from version 1.3:

  • The configuration notecard reading is now synchronous when possible, resulting in a dramatic speed increase. This was made possible by a recent new feature added by LL.
  • Extended plugin support. Plugin scripts can now start and stop the AutoAttach by sending it a special link_message. They are also informed when an avatar is denied access because of the WHO configuration setting.
  • 3 full-perm plugins included:
    • Detect : starts the AutoAttach with the nearest avatar in range (if they are allowed) ;
    • StartOnPay : starts the AutoAttach when the master object is paid the required amount of money. Optional refund for payment failures / access denied.
    • HoverText : displays some hover text (with nice optional fade in/out effects) depending on the status of the AutoAttach. Uses my free HoverTextMgr script available here.
  • 4 full-perm utility scripts, not directly related to the AutoAttach but able to perform various useful tasks:
    • AddSitTarget : add a sit target to the object ;
    • AnimateOnAttach : plays an animation on the wearer when the object is attached ;
    • AnimateOnSit : plays an animation when someone sit (like a pose ball) ;
    • Detacher : detach the object when a certain condition is met (touched by owner, timer, or special word heard on a channel).
  • Bugs fixed and optimizations.
The AutoAttach is now available at Oggy's Scripted Items marketplace store and inworld store. As always feel free to contact me for support, feature requests, constructive criticism...

Buyers of the previous versions should get the new version from the marketplace server. If you did not get it feel free to contact me with proof of purchase.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Theme-O-Matic version 3.0 is out!

 I am proud, after weeks of work, to announce that the new version of the Theme-O-Matic is now available at OSI MarketPlace store. Buyers of the previous versions should receive the new version for free very soon from the Marketplace redelivery service.

Here are the main highlights for version 3.0 (full version history on the dedicated page):

  • Major new feature: LSD (stands for LinkSet Data) themes, made possible when LL finally introduced Linkset Data to Second Life® in 2023.
  • The T-O-M Core is able to apply LSD themes, list and delete LSD themes.
  • The Preparation scripts can now generate themes directly to LSD. This required a reorganization of the Preparation menus.
  • The Theme Toolbox was updated to take LSD into account. You can now use it to transfer themes between LSD and notecards, optionally remapping prim link numbers, and get information on themes as well as perform various operations.
  • Notecard reading is now done synchronously whenever possible (thanks to LL's new llGetGetNotecardLineSync() function), resulting in dramatic speed increase in theme application from notecards.
  • Notecard UUIDs are now fully supported. No need to clutter your object's inventories with notecards anymore! But be aware of the caveats.
  • The standard client scripts were updated to support LSD themes too.
  • New client: T-O-M-SC FullMenu, which manages a full hierarchical menu system with notecard configuration. This client script is full-perm, as always!
Of course themes created with earlier versions remain 100% compatible.

The new PBR/GLTF materials are not yet supported because they could not be tested yet, but will be in the next release.

All details are available on our Theme-O-Matic website.

Buying in-world is not supported because vendors cannot support well-organized folders and subfolders. Please use only the marketplace store.

As usual, should you encounter a problem, need help or have a specific request, feel free to contact me!

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

O-Radar 1.2

Today an update to the O-Radar was released, labeled 1.2. Buyers of the previous versions will soon get the update from the Marketplace servers. Please read this post for details about the core features of this product.

Here is a summary of changes from version 1.0:

  • New options MESSAGEOTHERS and LISTENTOOTHERS to have better control on which object/HUD relays messages to other HUDs in range
  • Support for hover text (with nice face in/fade out effects) with the help of the (included) HoverTextMgr (developer package available for free here)
  • New options related to hover text configuration:
    • HTEXT_ACTIVE: is it active or not,
    • HTEXT_MAX: maximum number of names displayed on the hover text),
    • HTEXT_HEADER: header line for the hover text,
    • HTEXT_COLOR: color name or vector for the hover text,
    • HTEXT_CLEARAFTER: clear the text after a number of seconds
  • internal optimizations using the LSD (LinksetData) features from LL.
The O-Radar is available from our marketplace store or in-world store.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

PushAway Shield 1.1

Today we are releasing a new product at Oggy's Scripted Items, the PushAway Shield.

When you rez this item on your land, it will start detecting avatars around it and, depending on the settings, start pushing them away.

The whole process can be customized by using a straightforward menu system, to define:
  • the nature of the targets: either everyone, everyone except the owner, everyone in the group, everyone that is not in the group, everyone on the black list or everyone who is not on the white list ;
  • the detection radius (up to 96 meters) ;
  • the (half-)detection angle (180° for a full sphere, less for a cone) ;
  • the detection and pushing rate, in seconds ;
  • the pushing force (positive for a repulsive force, negative for an attractive force) ;
  • constraining the pushing force to a horizontal plane.
Moreover, a visible "bubble" shield can be rezzed to show the actual detection zone: either a sphere, a half sphere or a cone depending on the detection angle. However, because of an SL limitation the shield is limited to a 32 meters radius. It looks really cool IMHO.

Access to the menu is controlled by editing a notecard named ".access". The white list and black list (used in 2 of the target modes mentioned above) are also defined in dedicated notecards (where avatars are mentioned either by legacy name or UUID).

Restrictions: to push avatars (apart from its owner), the object owner must be the land owner. If your land is deeded to a group, then the PushAway Shield must be deeded to the same group. For this reason, the PushAway Shield comes in two identical versions: one with copyable permissions (used for a "regular" land ownership) and the other with transferable permissions (used if the land is owned by a group).

A full manual in included, and constructive criticism and feature requests are always considered.

The PushAway Shield version 1.1 is now available at Oggy's Scripted Items marketplace store and in-world store.

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Wearpose System version 3.0

Today we are (finally) releasing version 3.0 of the WearPose System.

The WearPose System is a scripted system designed for the creation of attachments that can animate their wearer, with the help of a complete menu system inspired by AvSitter. While doing so it also takes care of the position of the attachment with respect to the avatar and also features an adjustment system to shift or rotate the avatar itself with the help of extra "adjustment poses".

All details are available on our dedicated website: https://sites.google.com/view/wearpose

Below is a list of highlights for this new version 3.0, which is a major rewrite, adding some features and correcting some problems:

  • Major rewrite with LinksetData (LSD) in mind to conserve script memory
  • The main scripts now make sure they have the same version number
  • Renamed the ".config" notecard to ".menus" to more accurately reflect its contents and avoid conflicts with other scripts
  • A POSE definition can now have - (a single dash) as the name of an animation file, to mean "no animation" but still allowing adjustment
  • Reworked the preparation menu structure to allow more operations, and support copying positions from one pose to another, list existing positions and purge unused positions. This also allows to effectively rename a pose: just rename the pose in the .menus notecard and copy the positional information from the older name thanks to the new preparation menu option, then regenerate the .positions notecard.
  • Increased the timeout of the preparation menu from 30 seconds to 5 minutes.
  • Under-the-hood : positional information is no longer attached to the animation file but to the pose button itself.
  • Added 2 new options in the .menus notecard: TIMEOUT and TIMEOUTMSG, to allow customization of the timeout delay and message in production phase.
  • Where relevant, \n (messages and prompts) is replaced by a newline.
  • Menus can now have a specific prompt thanks to an enhancement of the MENU directive. The prompt set by the TEXT keyword acts as a default value.
  • (even) better detection of errors in the configuration notecard.
  • The Main menu can now be customized (renamed and/or given a specific prompt) if the MENU keyword happens before any button-creating directive. Care is taken to rename the corresponding navigational (TOMENU) button accordingly.
  • "Close menu" and "About..." predefined buttons are now available for use in RECALL, NAV or NAVMAIN directives.
  • Added a reset command (API and dedicated script).
  • The scripts make sure all buttons have non-empty labels.
Configuration notecards established for previous versions will remain compatible with version 3.0, you will just have to rename the ".config" notecard to ".menus".

Buyers of previous versions should automatically get an update from the SL MarketPlace, and can always trigger a redelivery from the MP.

A free demo object is also available, just click here.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Pirate Talk HUD

Ahoy me bucko! 'ave ye ever wanted t' be a pirate but fear nah t' be able t' natter like a pirate? Fear no more! We at Oggy's Scripted Items heard ye 'n are willin' t' help ye become the mighty pirate ye always wanted t' be by insultin' other pirates 'n lookin' cool!

Here comes the Pirate Talk HUD! Arrrgh!

By using this HUD you can right away generate the right insult at the right time by clicking the button, or translate something from English to Pirate, either by clicking the Translate button or using a direct chat command like /5. You can even activate RLV redirection in the options and have everything you write in local chat automatically translated to Pirate (this of course requires an RLV-aware viewer).

The options also let you define the channel number to use and the object name (which defaults to "Pirate" followed by your first name).

The Pirate Talk HUD is now available at Oggy's Scripted Items!

Acknowledgment: this HUD uses the web site Pirate Monkeyness to perform the actual translations! Thanks to them!

I'll eat yer parrot an' drink yer rum, ye plagued, squiffy codfish! ... Scupper that!