Original creations in Second Life by Oggy Fink.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Stream switcher 2.1

Today I released in my Marketplace store an improved version of a script I wrote long ago for my own usage, as I realized it could be useful to others, called Stream Switcher.

As the title suggests, its job is to enable the user to select a "station" from the menu and set it as the land music stream.

The stations themselves are defined as a name and address in a simple straightforward notecard called ".stations".

Another notecard called ".options" contains, well, options for you to set the access rights and fine-tune the hover text displayed when a station is selected. This is shown on the picture below.

The resulting menu is automatically formatted into pages of 9 buttons as shown on the next screen capture. Click on a button to activate the corresponding station, it could not be easier!

As always, suggestions and requests are always considered and constructive criticism is welcome. Do not hesitate to contact me!

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Free: T-O-M Benches

Today I finally took the time to put together a free object now available at Oggy's Scripted Items marketplace store: the T-O-M Benches.

As the name suggests, it is mainly a set of benches (4 of them) arranged around a simple table. Beyond the available single and couple poses on each bench, the main feature is a theme menu where you can select a few predefined appearance sets (called themes) and combine them to fit your taste :

  • texture: 7 choices
  • brightness: bright, dim or dark
  • layout: round, facing or rectangle
  • light: 6 colors + OFF (may require the "advanced lighting model" in your viewer).

Some of these combinations are particularly remarkable when setting the "sun position" to midnight, of course.

This object is completely free and also serves as a demonstration of the capabilities of the Theme-O-Matic, also available at Oggy's Scripted Items marketplace store and discussed in a previous article from this blog.

For more information (full manual, tutorial videos) about the Theme-O-Matic, please refer to its dedicated website.

Below you will find more screen captures that show several setup possibilities for the T-O-M Benches.

Monday, July 6, 2020

Theme-O-Matic v2.2

Today I am happy to announce the release of the latest version of our Theme-O-Matic, version 2.2.

For the record, this is a powerful theme system designed for creators in Second Life® so that they can record appearance sets (called "themes") into notecards. Later they can activate them (or have their customers activate them) from any "client" script (several are provided) or compatible system like AVSitter. Please see the dedicated website for more information. And don't forget the video tutorials available there!

Theme-O-Matic cover 2.2

Here is a summary of changes from the previous version 2.1:
  • Bug fixes, in particular one nasty bug in the preloader script
  • New "Theme toolbox" that enables special operations with themes and the T-O-M itself. This new subsystem will in particular help you update your themes in case you added or removed prims from your object (this is known as "remapping").
  • New API message sent when a theme is encoded with an unknown or unsupported version of the Theme-o-matic - just preparing the future :)
  • Enhanced support and client scripts (most notably the Remote Control script supports explicit preloading at the start - still full perm)
  • Minor adjustments here and there
  • Updated the website
  • New cover picture, new demo object to be released soon!
Buyers of previous versions will soon receive the new update.

The Theme-O-Matic is now available at Oggy's Scripted Items marketplace store.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Second tutorial video for the Theme-O-Matic

After the first tutorial video that focused on Theme creation with the Theme-O-Matic, I added today a new video aiming at using themes with the help of a few standard clients shipping with it, and also explaining the concept and operation of preloaders:
All information is readily available on the Theme-O-Matic website too.

Again sorry for the thick French accent, do not hesitate to activate subtitles (both English and French subtitles available).

I hope you enjoy this video, and please share, leave comments, any constructive criticism is welcome. And of course, do not hesitate to contact me for any question or inquiry.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Multi crossfade

Long ago (damn, already 7 years!) I made a free fullperm script that would enable two prims to "cross fade", one fading in while the other fades out, in a repeated manner.

Recently someone asked for a special version of this script that would allow the same but for more prims. So here it is, the "Multi crossfade" allows the crossfading of any number of prims.

Still free and full perm, comments are inside the script about the available parameters: prim numbers, face number, sustain time, numer of fading steps and fading duration. A demo object is included in the package.

Now available at Oggy's Scripted Items marketplace store, free for commercial and commercial purposes but please no resell as is. Of course due credit and donations always appreciated.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

First tutorial video for the Theme-O-Matic

Today I finally published a first tutorial video for the Theme-O-Matic, focussing on theme creation on a simple practical example:
  • preparation scripts,
  • properties selection,
  • configuring filters,
  • creating notecard themes,
  • testing the themes.
If you somehow have difficulties understanding my thick french accent, please activate the subtitles! French translation of these subtitles is on its way too!

In an upcoming tutorial video I'll expose how themes can be used in a real production environment.

I hope you enjoy this video, and please share, leave comments, any constructive criticism is welcome. And of course, do not hesitate to contact me for any question or inquiry.