Today we released a new version of our MvtPlayer system to version 2.1.
This is a scripted system useful for creators and enthusiasts that enables them to define sequences of actions containing:
- Smooth movement (keyframed motion)
- immediate movement
- pauses
- sound effects
- other types of actions supported by other (plugin) scripts.
This update adds Playback options (to alter the scale and speed of the sequence or even reverse it, and change the sound volume), enhances compatibility with avSitter, and focuses on peripheral scripts (controllers and plugins) to enhance immediate usability:
- MVTP_GeneralController : manages a complete menu system and/or remote control (direct or through another object)
- remote control scripts (usable with MVTP_GeneralController): MVTPRemote_Trivial (used as an example), MVTRemote_Buttons (useful to create a HUD or a remote control with buttons), MVTRemote_Detection (used to start a sequence when someone is detected with a sensor or by a collision)
- Two interface scripts : MVTP_to_avSitter_StartOnSit (start a sequence when someone sits), MVTP_to_avSitter_MvtControl (complete menu system integrating with avSitter's menu with lots of features)
- Plugin scripts: MVTPlugin_RotatePrim (smoothly rotate a prim when a plugin wait step activates), MVTPlugin_ChatListen (support actions like emitting chat, starting animesh animations, applying Theme-O-Matic themes, unsitting an avatar (great to create a transportation system).
Some examples of preconfigured objects are also included in the package.
The MvtPlayer website was updated and contains all details. The MvtPlayer is available at Oggy's Scripted Items marketplace store and in-world store.
This update also starts bringing a new visual identity to our brand, with a whole new logo and color chart. These were created by Reda from NoSoBad. Check out their great work and products! The new visual identity for OSI will be progressively brought to other products and platforms in the near future.