Today we are presenting a new product specifically aimed at Second Life® DJs. The ODJ titler will allow you to display the song title and artist currently playing on the parcel stream as a nice hover text with scrolling effect.
It is HUD controlled and features a complete configuration notecard allowing you to customize the hover text, its color, the channel it updates on, and the scrolling speed.
It does not fetch the song information from the stream server but instead gets it from the viewer, by taking advantage of a viewer feature where the song title and artist is spoken on a private channel. That way you don't have to give access to the stream server itself.
Please see this picture to learn how to activate the required feature in your viewer.
As a bonus, the controlling HUD also offers a nice feature where you can enter the first few letters of an avatar legacy name and shows their display name (you can read about the SL names in this article). This is very useful if for some reason an object (like a tip jar) reports avatar by their legacy names and you want to address them by their display names.
The ODJ Titler is now available at Oggy's Scripted Items marketplace store and also in-world store.
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