Now is the time for a major update of this unique product. After months of continued development, we are proud to present the WomBaby! Interactive Belly version 2.0, available right now in « single baby » and « twins » versions, all in 5 languages (English, Portuguese, French, Spanish and Italian) !
Below is the non-exhaustive list of major changes since version 1, most of them were inspired by customer reviews :
- many enhancements to chat sentences and interactions. Most notably, a mechanism to adapt the sentences to the baby's gender was introduced. This also helps the translations to be correct whether the baby is a boy, a girl, or if his or her gender is unknown yet. For twins, a sentence can have parts that vary depending on a single baby's gender, or on both babies genders at the same time.
- All chat (except the birth-related messages) can now be private (owner only) thanks to a new configuration option.
- Partner selection is no longer done by typing his name in a textbox but by selecting him from a menu. No more frustrating typos.
- Time zones: you can now indicate if you want the birth time to be expressed in SL time or any other timezone. When selecting your timezone, you can define it either by an offset from UTC (Greenwich time) or an official acronym.
- For casual contractions (not related to baby birth), an extra message is said every 5 contractions to signal that they are normal.
- Biased randomness so that the same fetus chat sentence can no longer be played twice in a row.
- When birth time arrives while the mother if offline, she is now given a 10-minute labor time when she comes online. If she is late by more than 48 hours, this no longer results in baby loss (but there will be no 10-minute extra time in this situation).
- Sound in mother HUD: when a health or rest-related request is in progress, a sound is played in the mother HUD in addition to the indicator bar flashing. This sound will depend on the current alert condition (normal, alert or critical) and can be customized among 18 sound themes. It can of course be deactivated.
- New buttons in the mother HUD: related to sound selection, a help button and a global health indicator.
- All supplements (vitamin, medicine, premature birth, abortion, fertile uterus) are now multi-language and automatically detect the Interactive Belly's language.
- When someone clicks the Interactive Belly and is presented with the list of interactions, a new menu item "Get HUD" will allow him or her to automatically get the Partner HUD.
- Numerous bug fixes and optimizations, too many to list here.
These new products, along with their supplements, are now available at the WomBaby! Marketplace store and inworld stores.
NB: to be clear, I am not the owner of the WomBaby! line of products, only the scripter. Any inquiries about this product should be addressed to MauMau Dinzel.
NB: to be clear, I am not the owner of the WomBaby! line of products, only the scripter. Any inquiries about this product should be addressed to MauMau Dinzel.